The selftester is a program to learn and test yourself for the exam CX-310-035 "Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 1.4 Platform". The program exists in english and german (the program selects the default language from your operating system). The questions included in this program are strictly in english.
You allways have the chance to fail ;-)
But to be quiet sure to pass the exam, you shuld solve of 61 quesitons in 100 minutes in this selftester.
If you have a result of 74% or more, you most likely will pass.
The questions are a bit easier in this selftester than the real exam. But in the Real exam you will have 120 minutes and you only have to manage 52%.
Uses JRE 1.6
Size approx. 160kB
Download the sourcecode form here:
To build the whole project you will need a java 1.5 compiler and apache-ANT.
The source stands under the GNU public license which is included in the source folder (src).